The design of our communities shapes how we interact with one another, love one another, and grow with one another. But who ...
在以弗所书5:21,保罗指示基督徒要“彼此顺服”。这些话在基督教传统上确实被理解为要求我们要彼此顺服,甚至是家人之间的顺服。例如,宗教改革家约翰·加尔文(John Calvin)承认,父亲顺服孩子或丈夫顺服妻子的概念“乍看之下可能很奇怪”,但他从未质疑这种顺服确实是保罗所教导的。 然而近年来,以这种方式理解以弗所书5:21受到一些学者的质疑——讽刺的是,这种质疑是以神学保守主义的名义提出的。许多福 ...
在以弗所書5:21,保羅指示基督徒要「彼此順服」。這些話在基督教傳統上確實被理解為要求我們要彼此順服,甚至是家人之間的順服。例如,宗教改革家約翰·加爾文(John Calvin)承認,父親順服孩子或丈夫順服妻子的概念「乍看之下可能很奇怪」,但他從未質疑這種順服確實是保羅所教導的。 然而近年來,以這種方式理解以弗所書5:21受到一些學者的質疑——諷刺的是,這種質疑是以神學保守主義的名義提出的。許多福 ...
Suppose you agree that ours is an increasingly postliterate age. The average person, including the average Christian, is reading less, and Christians of all ages, especially the young, lack the basics ...
Rosie Villegas-Smith was spending a Saturday handing out flyers with volunteers from Voces Unidas, a pro-life nonprofit, when she noticed a group gathering signatures. The woman who approached her ...
Ferdinand “Ferdie” Cabiling, a bishop at one of the Philippines’ largest megachurches who ran across the Philippines to raise money for disadvantaged students, died April 1, the day after Easter. He ...
Unperturbed by debates over the book’s relationship to modern thought, she helps us appreciate its marriage of literary ...
Millions of Black South Africans seek guidance from sangomas, traditional healers or so-called witch doctors who use their spiritual gifts to connect with ancestors, prescribe herbs to heal illnesses, ...
Why Wayne Grudem’s interpretation of Ephesians 5:21 is untenable.
It’s estimated that over 15 million WWJD bracelets were sold in the 1990s. Launching from a small church in Holland, Michigan, this line of Jesus merch quickly spread worldwide, spawning T-shirts, ...
Una iglesia hondureña lidera un esfuerzo local de recolección de basura. Muchos líderes oran para que se apruebe un tratado internacional que regule el uso de plástico.
Decades before, a religion editor at the Pittsburgh Courier had denounced Louis Armstrong’s “sacrilegious desecration of ...