Daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday of March and ends on the first Sunday of November. This means we’ll be ...
It’s an emerging international trend to do away with daylight saving, with health experts asserting that altering the clock ...
The one hour time change is a challenge to the body’s naturally occurring internal clock, or circadian rhythm.
Next Friday, remember to set your clocks forward by one hour at midnight as Daylight Saving Time (DST), known as Summer Time ...
The clocks will go backwards in the states and territories that observe daylight saving. Essentially, the hour between 2am ...
Millions of Australians went to sleep in one time zone last night and woke up this morning in another. That's because ...
Italy, along with many other countries, transitioned to daylight saving time, a practice aimed at maximizing daylight hours ...
Daylight saving has 80 per cent support in Australia and a majority in every state. But why? And how does it work?
Daylight saving is intended to make the most of those long daylight hours. It means an extra hour of light on summer evenings ...
Clocks will move back an hour for residents in Victoria, South Australia, NSW, Tasmania and the Australian Capital Territory Millions of Australians will gain an hour when daylight saving time for ...
The time has come for Australians to bid farewell to this year’s daylight saving season, with more than half the country’s ...